The Tickhill Neighbourhood Plan has been our labour of love over the last few years and sucessfully passed Referendum in July 2015, with an 87% vote in favour. If ever there was a project thwarted by Covid, this is it and in late 2023, in consultation with the community and City of Doncaster Council, Tickhill Town Council reviewed the plan to ensure that it is up to date and fit for purpose. This has resulted in several proposed modifications to the Approved Plan.
The principle modifications are;
- Strengthened approach to ensuring high quality, distinctive and sustainable design including the incorporation of a new design policy and associated Tickhill Design Code.
- New non-designated heritage assest and local green spaces have been added to the Plan
- New policies in relation to housing mix and affordable housing with strengthened supporting evidence
The revised version consists of 2 sections, Part A (Planning Policies) and Part B (community Aspirations along with associated material and supporting documents, all of which can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the headings below.
Along with the Housing Needs Assessment supporting document, we now have a professionally put together Design Code document, which, once adopted, will empower the local community to take some control over what happens in Tickhill rather than having planning decisions imposed on us by the City Of Doncaster Council and will allow us to retain the character of Tickhill and influence the design and character of new developements accross the Neighbourhood Plan area to deliver sustainable, suitable housing that meets the needs of local people.
We have contacted all the local statuatory bodies, along with the neighbouring Parish Councils and over 30 groups and societies (a list of groups and businesses we have contacted can be viewed below, if we have missed anyone, please let us know). We would welcome your views and suggestions on these revisions, please send these either by email to or by post to
The Clerk
Tickhill Town Council
The Pavilion
Tithes Lane
DN11 9QN
The closing date for comment is 29th February 2024.
Once the initial consultation stage is complete, the Town Council will review the comments received and prepare a further version of the plan for the formal Regulation 14 consultation.