Town Council comprises 9 elected or co-opted councillors who each give up their time
free of charge for the good of the community of Tickhill. A full council meeting is held once a month at the Pavilion on Tithes Lane
along with associated working parties, committees and other third parties to work on specific projects. The meetings usually take 2 hours, the first 10 minutes of which are available for the general public to raise any issue they may have. The Council is supported by the Clerk
to the Council who deals with all the legal issues and undertakes the
additional role of Financial Officer.
The Council was set up in 1974, primarily to give local input to some of the decisions made which affect local residents when control of public services passed to Doncaster Council. It is responsible for the maintenance of the Pavilion, which is owned by City of Doncaster Council, along with the upkeep of St Mary's car park and all planning in the town which is managed by a planning committee made up of 4 elected members. Considerable work has been done on the Neighbourhood Plan for Tickhill which is part of the Government's strategy for localism.