The Alison Award The Alison Award is open to young people aged between 5 years and 18 years old who have shown an outstanding commitment to something or someone they hold dear. The award is a memorial to a young lady, Alison who was a pacifist and environmentalist who believed that kindness and community awareness made for a better world.
Nominations can only be made using the following form. Copies are also available from the library. You may make as many nominations as you wish but a separate form is required for each nomination. It is vitally important that you include as much detail as possible as only the information given on this form will be considered by the independent panel of judges.
Nominations can be made at any time of year by emailing the completed application form or returning it to the Town Council at The Pavilion in a sealed envelope marked 'The Alison Award'. All nominations must be received by 31st October.
The Young Person of the Year Award - is given to a Tickhill resident aged 11 or under for personal commitment above and beyond their expectations and/or capabilities within their education. This can include Art and Sport. This award is for pupils currently attending either of the primary schools in Tickhill and nominations are made by the schools based on the most recent completed school year. It is not possible for an individual to nominate for this award.